200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
with Merry Mary
for a FREE information session about YTT and Yoga Philosophy.
The application is a great tool to help us get to know one another and your practice. Fill out an application online.
What to Expect
1. Theory & Practice of Asana
Taking a Position of Steadiness & Comfort
· The yoga sutras refer to asana as the integration of sthira (steadiness) and sukha (comfort).
This important sutra will guide us as we look into the deeper aspects of asana,
including alignment, adjustments, and variations.
We will explore energetic techniques such as bandhas dristi, kriyas, mudras, and chakras in order to expand our awareness and understanding of the subtle movement of prana through asana.
· Arranging our study of asana groups is in itself a unique sequence or vinyasa: sun salutations (surya namaskara), standing and balancing poses, abdominal strengtheners (hara), forward folds (paschimo) and backbends (purvo), twists (parivrtta), inversions (viparita), and finally relaxation (savasana).
2. Theory & Practice of Pranayama
Regulating the Current of Life Force Energy
· Conscious breathing requires sensitivity to properly direct life energy (prana), which makes all physical, mental, and spiritual life possible. It is the subtle thread that connects us with universal consciousness. Pranyama is a way of using breath to receive, generate, distribute, and store this vital energy. We will explore Ujjayi (victory breath), nadi shodhanam (alternating nostril), kappalabhati (breath of fire), sitali (cooling breath), and viloma (against the grain).
3. Techniques, Training and Practice
Conveying the Essence of Yoga
(75 contact hours with Mary)
The art of teaching is yoga in itself, requiring sensitivity, compassion, and practice. A teacher must encourage and inspire, remain sensitive to the needs of both the individual and the group.
Students will learn:
a. How to properly adjust using visual (body language), verbal (voice), and kinesthetic (touch) tools.
b. Sequencing, counterposes, and routines
c. Integrate themes, rhythm, focus, and direction
d. Psychology and ethics of the student/teacher relationship
Practice teaching as the lead instructor, includes assisting, observing or giving feedback.
· Receiving and giving feedback
· Observing others teaching**
· Yoga Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation
· Bandhas, Mudras, and Kriyas
· Chanting and Mantras
Professional Essentials (50 hours )
· Communication skills such as group dynamics, time management, and the establishment of priorities and boundaries.
· How to address the specific needs of individuals and special populations, to the degree possible in a group setting.
· Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting, and correcting
· Teaching styles
· Qualities of a teacher
· The student learning process
· Business aspects of teaching yoga (including marketing and legal)
· Apply anatomy and physiology knowledge to the yoga practice including the benefits of each asana, contra-indications, and healthy movement patterns.
· Includes bodily systems, muscles, organs, as well as the energetic system of chakras and nadis.
4. Yoga Humanities
History, Philosophy and Ethics
(30 contact hours with Mary)
Understanding Union, Relationships, & Opposites
What is yoga? This ancient system of health and well-being reveals a path to develop and expand our fullest potential in body, mind, and spirit. We will look at sources such as Indian culture, vedic history, and ancient manuscripts such as the yoga sutras and Hatha Yoga Pradipika which reveals the ancient classification of yoga. We will also study Patanjali’s eight-fold path known as ashtanga yoga, which forms the basis of classical yoga, known as yoga darshana.
1. Yama – relationship to others
2. Niyama – relationship with ourselves
3. Asana – postures
4. Pranayama – Breath control
5. Pratyahara- turning the mind inward
6. Dharana – concentration
7. Dhyana – Meditation
8. Samadhi – Bliss
· Study of the Yoga Sutras
· Yoga lifestyle, such as the precept of non-violence (ahimsa), and the concepts of dharma and karma
· Ethics for yoga teachers, such as those involving teacher – student relationships and community
· Understanding the value of teaching yoga as a service and being of service to others (seva)
5. Experiential Learning
Finding Wisdom and Understanding With-In
Understanding from with-in requires the student to not only expand inner awareness and trust of intuition, but also to gain practical experience in the art and science of yoga
in a variety of situations and venues.
Students will:
· Meet and interact with well-known and respected yoga teachers
· Apprentice a teacher’s class or various teachers classes
· Develop individualized private lessons
· Teach a community class (basic level 1-2)
· Give selflessly by teaching at a hospital, senior citizens home or charity fundraiser (karma yoga)
Please purchase:
"Teaching Yoga" by Mark Stevens
"The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book" by Kelly Solloway